State Repesentative Policy

1. Introduction

Welcome to RangePay's State Representative Policy. This document outlines the terms and conditions for individuals seeking to become State Representatives for RangePay. By enrolling as a State Representative, you agree to adhere to the policies detailed below.

2. State Representative Registration and Fees

2.1 Registration:
  • To become a RangePay State Representative, interested individuals must pay a one-time fee of N5,000,000 for enrollment in the State Representative program.
2.2 Commission Structure:
  • State Representatives will earn commissions ranging from 0.5% to 10% on all transactions within their designated state, depending on the type of transaction.

3. Responsibilities and Benefits

3.1 Office and Staffing:
  • State Representatives are responsible for office rent and staffing in their designated state.
3.2 Branding and Training:
  • RangePay will take care of office branding and provide training for the staff hired by State Representatives.

4. Commission Payouts

4.1 Payment Schedule:
  • RangePay will process commission payouts to State Representatives on a [insert frequency] basis.
4.2 Minimum Payout Threshold:
  • State Representatives must reach a minimum commission threshold for payouts. The minimum threshold is [insert amount].

5. No Refund Policy

5.1 Refund Clause:
  • The one-time State Representative fee of N5,000,000 is non-refundable. Prospective State Representatives are advised to carefully read and agree to our State Representative Policy before making any payment.

6. State Representative Commission Rates

6.1 Transaction Types:
  • Commission rates for State Representatives will vary between 0.5% and 10%, depending on the type of transaction (e.g., Airtime top-up, Data subscription, Internet subscription, Cable TV subscription, Electricity payment, Flight & Hotel booking, Marketplace, and more).

7. Termination of State Representative Status

7.1 Violations:
  • RangePay reserves the right to terminate a State Representative's status for violations of the State Representative policy or misuse of the program.
7.2 Refund Policy:
  • The one-time State Representative fee is non-refundable. Prospective State Representatives are advised to carefully read and agree to our State Representative Policy before making any payment.

8. Changes to State Representative Policy

8.1 Updates:
  • RangePay may update the State Representative Policy. State Representatives will be notified of significant changes.

9. Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the State Representative Policy, please contact us at

Thank you for considering joining RangePay as a State Representative. We look forward to a mutually beneficial partnership.